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I’ll be a friend to Jesus

They tried my Lord …. And Master,
With no one to …. Defend;
Within the halls …. Of Pilate,
He stood without …. A friend.

I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus,
My life for Him …. I’ll spend;
I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus
Until my years …. Shall end

The world may turn …. Against Him
I’ll love Him …. To the end,
And while on earth …. I’m living
My Lord shall have …. A friend.

I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus,
My life for Him …. I’ll spend;
I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus
Until my years …. Shall end

I’ll do what He …. May bid me,
I’ll go where He …. My send;
I’ll try each fly …. Ing moment,
To prove that I’m …. His friend.

I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus,
My life for Him …. I’ll spend;
I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus
Until my years …. Shall end

To all who need …. A Saviour,
My friend I re …. Commend;
Because He bro’t …. Salvation,
Is why I am …. His friend.

I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus,
My life for Him …. I’ll spend;
I’ll be a friend …. To Jesus
Until my years …. Shall end